Monday, July 30, 2012

How to Deal With Bossy People on Your Job

If you poll people about why they quit their last job, you might be surprised to discover that many of them quit because of co-workers instead of the actual job. Working around bossy people -- even your true boss -- can be difficult and, occasionally, ruin an otherwise perfect job. While employees typically cannot do anything about bossy customers, they do have options when dealing with co-workers and even bosses who are difficult to work with. 


1.  Think about the person's statements. While you may not appreciate how she is voicing her opinion on how you should be performing your job, it might be valid. Possibly, this is not the first time she spoke with you about the same issue and the bossy tone is her way of making you hear her.

2. Talk with the person about how his bossiness makes you feel. Some people just communicate in an adversarial way and may not realize that you feel demeaned in conversations. Explain that while you are doing your best to do your work to his specifications, you feel that the way he speaks to you does not convey any respect for your abilities.

3. Ask the bossy person if she is having a bad day or if something is wrong. If the bossy behavior is not normal, she may have some personal issues that are affecting her behavior at work. Even if she does not want to talk about the issue, bringing up her behavior may make her realize that she is being abrupt and bossy. This alone can stop the behavior.

4. Talk to your boss or the human resources department if your company has one. Your superiors may not be aware of any issues among employees and reporting the behavior can cause someone with the authority to put a stop to it.

5. Stay away from the person. Granted, this is not possible if the person is your actual boss, but if it is someone you work with on a regular basis, talk to management about transferring to another department. Even if you cannot change departments, you may be able to decrease your interaction with him.
Ignore the person. If you have tried everything -- and the person does not have the authority to boss you around -- ignore her. You do not have to be rude to get your point across, just tell her that you are aware of what needs doing and have your own system for getting it done. Thank her for the help and then complete your work in the way that best works for you.


Thursday, July 5, 2012

How to Stop a Child From Being Bossy

A bossy kid may be the result of a family trait or a psychological need in the child to conquer fear and insecurity, say psychological experts. Whatever the reason, a child let too lenient can have a troubled future; no one wants to be around a bossy character. His bossy behavior can impact his relationships with people, and he may end up alone in the future. Putting a break on your child's bossy behavior at an early age is your responsibility as a parent.


1. Exercise your parental rights when you encounter your child behaving in a bossy manner. Explain to your child that you will not tolerate her bossiness. Assume a stern posture; make eye contact with your child and tell her in precise terms not to do what she is doing. "You have had your turn with the toy. It's now your brother's turn. So, please give it to him." Stop any comments that she may be about to make by saying: "I don't want to argue with you. Just give it to him." The key here is to act immediately.

2. Convince your child that you will always be there by her side. Parents often respond to their kids' aggressive behavior by withdrawing from them. One of the reasons for bossy behaviors is a feeling of insecurity, and children may mask this need for comfort and security by acting out and exhibiting bossy behavior, say psychological experts on Reader's Digest website. When you refuse to connect with your child, you only feed more fear of insecurity, which makes the kid bossier. Instead of withdrawing, spend more time with her on a daily basis by playing, drawing or doing other joint activities. Steer the conversation toward her behavior during these times when she feels comfortable and secure. You may suggest this option: "You want your favorite item every day on your dinner table. I cannot do that. Why don't we try something like cooking your favorite food on the weekends and going with what I do on the remaining days?

3. Model respectful behavior for your kids. Share "thank you," "sorry" and "please" during family interactions. Praise your kid when she follows what you have said and controls her behavior. A hug is not bad either. Such rewards encourage positive behavior.
4. Practice enforcing rules consistently. A one-time implementation does not convey your seriousness to your kid, and she can easily fall back to her earlier ways.

Tips & Warnings:

  • Avoid attempting to enforce rules when there is a fight brewing among adults. A child cannot learn in a hostile environment. Settle your fights before enforcing discipline on your child.